

Scrumptious Catering Recipe Blog


Charred Sweetcorn Salsa

It’s summer and I love a BBQ as much as the next person. I love to be super organised and prep everything the day before (we always have lots of homemade burgers in the freezer too!)  All this means that on the day I can sit back and enjoy a Gin and Tonic with the girls, and let the boys do what boys do- all you need is 3 (or more) boys in the obligatory uniform- blue chino shorts, linen shirts and suede loafers, oh and naturally a beer in hand!  

So here’s a little recipe I played around with a few weeks ago-it’s a simple and delish salsa. It is great with a burger, BBQ pork, chicken skewers or pretty much anything. 

2 tins (340g) of Sweetcorn- drained and dried with kitchen towel

2 tbsp oil

1 Red Onion- peeled and finely sliced

½ Red chilli- deseeded and finely diced

1 Red Pepper- deseeded and finely diced

1 bunch of Coriander finely chopped 


Place ½ tbsp oil in a frying pan and once hot place half the Sweetcorn in the pan and fry turning often until starts to char all over, remove from heat. Repeat with another ½ tbsp of oil and remaining corn. 

Clean pan and place remaining oil in and again once hot add the onion, cook over a medium heat until onion is cooked and softened. Remove from the heat.

Once corn and onion is cool mix in the chilli, diced red pepper and coriander. 

Season to taste- you may want to add a little more chilli if you like things hot!

Ta da- delicious salsa ready for your BBQ! Enjoy with BBQ meat and a large glass or rose!

saskia frost